Feedback From Our Contribution Program

Hello –
I want to let you know that your donation of New Native Baby Carriers has been warmly received. Our foster parents are delighted with them and we have also given two of them to birthmothers who have had their children returned to their custody.
All report that the New Native carriers are simple to use and comfortable to wear. Babies seem content to be held so closely and soon relax when they are placed in them. For those infants who suffer from severe drug-effects, being in the carrier holds them in the “c” position, which is well-known to help them calm themselves and relax so they can sleep.
Thank you again for your generosity and for partnering with us in our work with drug-exposed infants and their families. We are proud to tell everyone about your support.
Program Manager
Pediatric Interim Care Services
Dear New Native Baby Carrier,
Thank you for supporting the La Leche League of New Jerseys' Annual Silent Auction at our Breastfeeding and Parenting conference. We appreciate your donation to La Leche League of New Jersey.
New Jersey
Dear Friend,
Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your participation in Oak Grove's EarthDay Celebration 2005. We greatly appreciate your silent auction donation and feel that your generous contribution was an important part that added to the tremendous success of this event. This year was our biggest celebration ever with over one thousand people on campus to enjoy ecological displays, world books, live entertainment, activities for all ages, horticulture and environmental vehicles showcases, wellness and arts-and-crafts merchant areas, alternative building demonstrations and of course our popular silent auction.
Community support means a great deal to us and allows us to continue to educate our Preschool thru High School students about our relationship with nature, respect for the environment and to support Oak Grove's commitment to sustainable living and celebrating our earth; integral parts of our educational philosophy. Please enjoy the enclosed newspaper article that appeared just one week after the event - a sample of our horticulture program.
Again, thank you for helping to create a wonderful day and thank you for your interest and commitment towards a healthier world.
With much appreciation,
Ojai, California
Dear New Native,
On behalf of the Birth and Baby Resource Network of San Luis Obispo, I would like to sincerely thank you for your generous donation to our sling demonstration.Your kindness is truly appreciated. These carriers will benefit many moms in our area and we are so excited to pass them on the parents in need.
Thank you!
Blessings, Kelly
San Luis Obispo, California
Dear New Native Staff,
On behalf of the staff of Crown Point Ecology Center and the Sisters of St. Dominic of Akron, our sincere thanks for your donation of an organic cotton baby carrier for our 2005 Taste of the Earth dinner and auction. Your generous contribution will help us to further our mission dedicated to the principles of community, justice, spirituality and sustainability here in Bath, Ohio.
Akron, Ohio
To Whom It May Concern,
On behalf of the clients and staff of ACCESS, I want to thank you for the generous donation of 8 baby carriers. This is a fantastic donation. These carriers will go a long way towards increasing a sense of safety and security in the mothers and babies with whom we work.
Best Regards,
Ames, Iowa
We want to thank you from the bottom of our heart's for helping to make our annual benefit for the Boo Boo Babies a success with your generous donation. We couldn't continue without such wonderful support!
Thank you -Thank you - Thank you
From all of the EMAR Volunteers (East Maui Animal Refuge)
Haiku, Hawaii
Dear New Native friends,
The staff of Teen Parent Mentoring at Synergy Services send a hearty "thanks" and applause for your generous donation of carriers! Our teen moms will truly benefit from this tangible encouragement to try breastfeeding! We hope that many more teens will commit to this wonderful value of healthy attachment and nurture.
Mrs. McClanahan
Mentor Specialist Teen Parent Mentoring
Parkville, Missouri
On behalf of LifeWorks NW's staff and Board of Directors, thank you for your recent donation of eight baby carriers, which will be used by the women and children living at Mountaindale Recovery Center. As a private non-profit, it is through the generosity of individuals and corporations that we are able to continue to provide a wide range of quality services to people throughout the Portland metropolitan area and beyond. Your support means the world to us and those that we serve.
Again, thank you for your support,
Portland, Oregon
Dear New Native Baby,
On behalf of Healthy Moms & Babies, thank you so much for your recent donation to our April Showers celebration. We sincerely appreciate your generosity.
Each year Healthy Moms & Babies provides over 700 low-income pregnant women and their families with a wide range of support and educational services. Services include comprehensive case management throughout each woman's pregnancy. Individual needs are assessed, and a care plan tailored for each client and her family is developed. Additional program components include childbirth preparation classes, parenting education, nutritional guidance, obstetric care referrals, breastfeeding consultation, and individual counseling.
Once again, your donation was greatly appreciated. Thank you for joining us in our mission to improve the outcome of every pregnancy and to give every baby the opportunity for a healthy start in life.
Napa, California
Dear New Native Baby,
Thank you so much for your generous donation of the Twill Baby Carrier for our Pregnant Pause 2006 event.
Your gift contributed greatly to the success of our event and we appreciate your commitment to this cause. Again, many thanks!
Epilepsy Foundation
Brick, New Jersey
The 10th annual PICA Auction held 11/19 was a very special event. The money raised by the auction is used for local PICA efforts as well as direct support for sister-city Carasque, El Salvador.
But the generous and enthusiastic response from businesses and friends is much more than financial support. It is encouragement to keep on with the mission of PICA.
Thank you for being a part of the PICA celebration and for your support of the work of PICA.
Your friends at PICA
Bangor, ME
Thank you,
New Native Inc.
Your Support made this year's baby fair a tremendous success.
2005 Calaveras County Baby Fair Committee
San Andreas, California